...because everyone should hear the birds!
is the last time you really, heard the birds?

or truly felt the fullness of being aware and present in the moment?
do you honor yourself and life around you?
is your lifestyle and actions a reflection of your intentions?
might divine intelligence have lead you Here / Now?
are you being called to shift old patterns, and move with intention?
Daily rituals and meditative practices
bring clarity, plus greater mental & emotional wellness.

Healing with Sound
is an ancient practice using frequencies & vibrations to reach our subtle bodies.

The perfect place for small gatherings, bringing family and friends together! We host (up to 12 people) baby or bridal showers, mini-celebrations for birthdays or retirement, creative workshops or training sessions. Spa-like retreats are also an option for weekend get-aways. Customize your stay with prepared meals, reiki, reflexology and more. Come to celebrate or to restore - it's always a good time to get-together!

The benefits are confirmed; if it's time to enhance your business strategy, then it's time to pause the daily grind, unite your core team and RETREAT - We create a space for listening and learning, planning and creating, orienting and forging ahead. We help as much or as little as you prefer, from prepared meals, spa treatments, shuttles, nature adventures, or professional facilitators. We have everything you need onsite.

We host several wellness retreats each year - with meditation, unique yoga and breathe-work, special talks, soundbaths, somatic movement, ceremonies, reiki, reflexology, couples retreats and more. Or you can host your own event here - spa weekends, training workshops, adventures in nature. We work with you to customize your event and orient you to surrounding amenities, nature, beaches and nature preserves.